Oct 27, 2008

Exactly where are we headed?

What a long strange trip it's been. I view life as one long road trip, as you might gather from the title of this blog. And the great thing about road trips is that if you're vigilant, and remember to take lots of pictures, you'll have interesting stuff to look back on.

I was six years old when President Johnson's Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed, and I remember very clearly, watching the world change. But, I also have been aware that as things changed, some stayed the same - they were just more covert.

I never have expected to see an African American elected president in my lifetime, so that says a great deal about how far we've come. And yet, the more things change, the more they remain the same. There will always be those who feel disenfranchised, and rather than working to change their lot in life, they take comfort in striking out. Maybe it's a lot easier to blame others and to be angry than it is to work hard; I wouldn't know. According to my Dad, there was never any other option.

But I suspect that should Sen. Obama settle in at 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd., we will be seeing a lot more of this kind of nonsense.

Kudos to the ATF, and throw a bunch of prayers into the ol' prayer bucket for the safety of Sen. Obama and his family; they're going to need them.
As do we all.

Oct 24, 2008

"Hold on to your butts!"

This, as quoted by Samuel L. Jackson, in "Jurassic Park", should be our election drama-mantra.

Every family has a knucklehead. Take John McCain for instance. This is the first we're hearing about his brother Joe McCain, but from the looks of things, it won't be this last.

I cannot wait to find out what shakes out of the Obama family tree.

My American Prayer

I am rarely at a loss for words, but nothing can shut me up better than the power of music.

We live in trying times, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're in for more. I'm also a big believer in the power of prayer...and that prayer comes in many forms. This is my favorite kind.

And pray.

Rod Serling was no fool...

Came across this today. It pretty much sums things up, don't you think?

"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men.

"For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own -- for the children, and the children yet unborn."
~~ Rod Serling
Epilogue: 'Monsters Are Due On Maple Street'

Oct 9, 2008

One for the "WTF" file


You know, I believe that one man's pain can certainly be another man's pleasure. We're all wired however it is that we're wired, and who am I to judge or begrudge anyone what they find titillating.

I also believe that no one has any business in anyone's bedroom/dungeon/woodshed, where said behavior is consensual. In BDSM relationships, that tends to be the case.

So I find it fascinating that the Dept. of Justice finds it necessary to proceed with criminal prosecution of someone who produces said material, produced for consenting adults. At the same time, they absolve themselves of any wrongdoing when it comes to DOJ sanctioned torture of detainees.

Restraint, roleplay, sensory and physical manipulation for sexual release in the privacy of your abode = BAD

Restraint and roleplay, sensory and physical manipulation to get information = GOOD

Am I missing something here?